CLI Tools to make your terminal Experience Better

CLI Tools to make your terminal Experience Better

Use these awesome CLI tools to optimize your Terminal experience and maybe some of these can save a large amount of your Disk space.

Anyone who is in Tech must have experience working with the Terminal, whether it be with Linux or with Windows.

Here are some CLI tools which will help you navigate through the terminal.

Note - Installation and Usage guide can be found on the link embedded with the tool name.

  • asciinema - Recording + sharing terminal sessions

asciinema is very useful for easy recording, sharing, and embedding a terminal session. It is great to share your work, without having to install large screen-recording software

You can view the recording at the URL Specified-

  • - Check the weather is a service that displays the weather in a format that's digestible in the command line. Just run curl or curl try it out.

  • tmate - Share a terminal session via the internet

tmate let you instantly share a live terminal session with someone elsewhere in the world. It works across different systems, supports access control/ auth, can be self-hosted, and has all the features of Tmux

  • httpie - HTTP / API testing client

httpie is an HTTP client, for testing, debugging, and using APIs. It supports everything you'd expect - HTTPS, proxies, authentication, custom headers, persistent sessions, and JSON parsing.

  • kdash -Kubernetes dashboard app

kdash is an all-in-one Kubernetes management tool . View node metrics, watch resources, stream container logs, analyze contexts, and manage nodes, pods, and namespaces

task is a CLI task management/ todo app. It's both simple and unobtrusive, but also incredibly powerful and scalable, with advanced organization and query features built in.

  • micro - Code editor (better nano)

micro is an easy-to-use, fast, and extendable code editor with mouse support.

  • googler - Search the web from the terminal

It's fast, clean, and easy, with support for instant answers, search completion, search bangs, and advanced search. It respects your privacy by default, and also has HTTPS proxy support, and works with Tor.

  • cmus - Music browser/player

cmus is a terminal music player, controlled with keyboard shortcuts. It has support for a wide range of audio formats and codecs, and allows organizing tracks into playlists and applying playback settings.

speedtest-cli just runs an internet speed test, via - but straight from the terminal.

  • gping - Interactive ping tool (better ping)

gping can run ping tests on multiple hosts, while showing results in real-time graph.

  • bpytop - Resource monitoring (better htop)

bpytop is a fast, interactive, visual resource monitor. It shows top running processes, recent CPU, mem, disk, and network history.

  • tre - Directory hierarchy (better tree)

tre outputs a tree style list of files for your current or a specified directory, with colors. When running with the -e option, it numbers each item and creates a temporary alias that you can use to quickly jump to that location.

  1. CLI Fun Packages

  • neofetch -neofetch prints distro and system info

  • lolcat - lolcat makes any text passed to it rainbow coloured

  • figlet - figlet outputs text as ASCII art

  • cowsay -Have an ASCII cow say your message

These were some of the handy CLI Tools to make your experience with the Terminal smooth. Using these CLI options will consume very less disk space as compared to GUI Apps and hence will optimize your performance.